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MTR Bristol pays top cash for scrap cars in the Bristol Area.

MTR Bristol Ltd prides itself on running a professional
End Of Life Vehicle Management Service in the West Country. Ring us for a quote to scrap your car.
0781 803 7132

We pay what we offer - unlike the many companies that beat you down when they actually arrive to collect your car.......

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End of Life Vehicle Management

MTR Bristol has state-of-the-art de-pollution and vehicle handling systems and equipment, is recognised by the Department of the Environment and is on the Public Register of Authorised Treatment Facilities.

Vehicles entering our "end of life" handling process are subjected to several stages of treatment aimed at maximising the recycling potential whilst limiting the environmental impact.

Wheels & Fluid Handling
Specialised impermeable areas and storage tanks are used when extracting all the fluids from a vehicle. Plastic Stoppers are then fitted to the drain and fill points. All items listed below are removed from the the car during the de-pollution process....


Preparation & Part Removal

Next the vehicle is prepared prior to engine removal and significant parts are removed. Special consideration is given to the following:

Engine Removal, Bailing and Storage

Specialised bays are again used to ensure a safe process and containment of materials
while the remaining required parts are removed along with the engine, after which the vehicle is available for a final inspection before being bailed (crushed) and stored for further reprocessing.


Directives and Regulations

As part of our commitment to maintaining a safe, modern professional and environmentally aware operation MTR Bristol Ltd  operates subject to the following directives and regulations.

scrap cars for cash

The European End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) Directive (2000/53/EC)

"The EC ELV Directive aims to reduce the amount of waste from vehicles (cars and vans) when they are finally scrapped. In particular, it includes tightened environmental standards for vehicle treatment sites, requires that last owners must be able to dispose of their vehicles free of charge from 2007 sets rising reuse, recycling and recovery targets and restricts the use of hazardous substances in both new vehicles and replacement vehicle parts. " .
Read more at the DTI Website 


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The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations

Management control of health and safety is an essential part of any business whether it is a large or small concern. The aim of these regulations is to encourage a more systematic and better organised approach to dealing with health and safety in all workplaces.
Read more at the Health and Safety Executive Website


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The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations

Using chemicals or other hazardous substances at work can put people's health at risk. So the law requires employers to control exposure to hazardous substances to prevent ill health.
 Read more at COSHH Website


scrap your car for cash

Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations

Dangerous substances can put peoples’ safety at risk from fire and explosion. DSEAR puts duties on employers and the self-employed to protect people from risks to their safety from fires, explosions and similar events in the workplace, this includes members of the public who may be put at risk by work activity.
Read more about Explosive Atmospheres Regulations